MakerSpace In Munich

Some people have informed me that there is a commercial MakerSpace in Munich that offers their services and resources in a membership style as well as offering specific courses. The opening times seem very flexible and they also offer regular tours, so I’d love to go and check it out sometime soon to see what they have, how they structure it and if they have any advice for us here at MIS.

Would anyone like to join me? Reply in the comments and we could possibly get a group of us together to go and do a tour and get some ideas.



  1. amartin said…

    Yeah! I’d love to.

  2. sbushby said…

    Hey Mitch,
    I would be interested in checking out some places to see what possibilities there are.

  3. Ms Kunst said…

    I’d like to join depending on when you go! I’m free in the evenings. Saturday and Sunday as well with enough advance notice.

  4. Sonya terBorg said…

    I would love to come too! John would also be interested. We can bring the whole family! 🙂

  5. Ms.Riley said…

    I’m really new to this Maker Space concept and would definitely be interested to learn more, as well! Let me know when you guys think you’ll go. I’d love to join!

  6. OK all, thanks for such a huge interest! I’m excited to visit all together.

    I didn’t contact the MakerSpace Munich right away because I wanted to opportunity for as many people to reply to this post as possible. Now we have a decent sized group, I will contact them and try to arrange a tour.

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